Code of conduct uk

code of conduct

This code of ethics is aimed at everyone associated with Bevar Ukraine, board members, volunteers, interns, employees and others who represent the organization.

For questions, information, general feedback or if you wish to file a complaint or report a suspected violation, you can send an e-mail to

1. Introduction

1.1. Why do we have a code of conduct?

1.1.1 Maintain Ukraine’s purpose of providing protection and assistance to refugees and assisting with humanitarian assistance. We aim to maintain and promote the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct.

1.1.2 It is further recognized that Bevar Ukraine’s work often places its staff/board/volunteers in positions of unequal power vis-à-vis refugees.

1.1.3 This Code of Conduct contains the values and rules by which Bevar Ukraine and its staff/board/volunteers must act in order to maintain and ensure the necessary standards of conduct and to avoid wrongdoing.

1.2. Who is covered?

1.2.1 This Code of Conduct applies to Bevar Ukraine and to all its employees/board/volunteers in relation to national and international activities. Everyone is bound by this code of conduct.

1.2.2 Bevar Ukraine has a responsibility to uphold these standards, to set a good example and create a work environment that supports and empowers staff/board/volunteers.

1.3. Status of this Code of Conduct

1.3.1 All Bevar Ukraine employees/board members/volunteers are responsible for encouraging and promoting the dissemination of the Code of Conduct. They also have a role in implementing, monitoring and enforcing its standard.

1.3.3 All Bevar Ukraine employees/board members/volunteers are required to report concerns or suspicions to the Board Chair regarding criminal or ethical activities that violate this Code of Conduct and may compromise Bevar Ukraine.

1.4. Implementation and interpretation

1.4.1 While we recognize that local laws and customs may vary from country to country, the Code of Conduct is based on international legal standards. Guidance on appropriate interpretation can be found in the notes to the UNHCR Code of Conduct, in the UN Secretary-General’s Bulletin on Special Measures for Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13), in the IASC Report on protection against sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian crises (13 June 2002) and in the IASC six core principles on sexual exploitation and abuse (23 September 2019).

1.4.2 All Bevar Ukraine employees/board members/volunteers must contact the chairman of the board for guidance if they are in a situation of doubt in relation to this code of conduct and its provisions.

2. Core Values and Guiding Principles: Preserve Ukraine and its staff/board/volunteers are committed to the following core values and principles:

a. The values enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations: respect for fundamental human rights, social justice and human dignity and respect for the equal rights of men and women. Preserve Ukraine and its staff/board/volunteers shall actively promote compliance with the principles of international refugee law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

b. It is Bevar Ukraine’s primary obligation to ensure the protection of and assistance to refugees, in accordance with Bevar Ukraine’s mandate. Bevar Ukraine is committed to supporting the widest possible participation of Ukrainian refugees – as individuals, families and communities – in decisions that affect their lives.

c. Bevar Ukraine will respect the dignity and worth of every individual, will promote and practice understanding, respect, compassion and tolerance, and will exercise discretion and maintain confidentiality as appropriate. Bevar Ukraine and its staff will aim to build constructive and respectful working relationships with humanitarian partners, will continuously seek to improve performance and will foster a climate that encourages learning, supports positive change and applies lessons learned.

d. Bevar Ukraine will respect all persons regardless of race, gender, religion, skin color or ethnic origin, language, marital status, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, disability or any other distinguishing feature. Bevar Ukraine and its staff/board/volunteers will strive to remove all barriers to equality.

e. Bevar Ukraine will respect the cultures, customs and traditions of all peoples and will strive to avoid behaving in ways that are not acceptable in a particular cultural context. However, when the tradition or practice is deemed to be in direct conflict with an international human rights instrument or standard, Save Ukraine will be governed by the applicable human rights instrument or standard.

f. Bevar Ukraine does not tolerate any form of sexual exploitation.

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